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where can we find clayton and our spouse? or has that route not been implemented yet?

Spoilers below;

Spouse is at the fields. Not quite sure how to trigger it, but I tend to do some work in the manor to get the game to unlock it. It just seems random when it's free to go. First visit, hopefully, you get the unique dialogue to meet them and then they let you visit every evening (From Sun is Setting until Evening). I got the spouse affection to 100 and it's done nothing so far, so not sure. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Clayton, you can find at the park past evening (not sure the specific time), you'll get a unique interaction then he's there every night after getting off work. Haven't really bothered with him, though.

man, i wanna play but cant since i have Mac ;c


I really liked this game! I hope you dont abandon it

how can i access to the main storyline rebel

(2 edits)

Hey, I've been playing the latest version on the Cerca route, but I've run into a bug where you can't go to sleep and end the day after you find out about the rebellion. When you go to your room in the mansion and click the Sleep button, the only possible option you have in the following menu is Leave. I've also gotten Maddie's first night event, so maybe it could be related to that as well.


also gotten this bug


I wonder if perhaps you could be turned into a more bestial or monstrous species, that could be fun for the game, at least that's my opinion on the matter. I just like transformations. that's all.


I like the game's plot, although I'm puzzled as to why Cerca treats us so well. I also got into some kind of loop of waking up and going to sleep, I don't know if there are events afterward or there's just no more content yet. What happened to the spouse and the friend? I don't know where they are haha. Thanks for the game, I'll look forward to the next updates.

Thank you for this! I admit that everything I made is on the whim and I have very little knowledge in coding Twine. Maybe when I'm done procrastinating, I'll make a small guide. This game is still a WIP so there's more to come :)

Also, if you could pin point the bug of waking up then sleep loop, I would be very appreciate!

Dont know why it suddenly doesnt let me go back, I'm honestly stuck and I didnt even get to make a save before this ;-;


really like it, looking forward.


Love it so far! You might want to upload this game to F95Zone too. It's probably the largest website for adult games out there if you want more publicity.

There's an error message "I can't (go-to:) to the passage 'MedicalTentIntro' because it doesn't exist." at the medical inspection, after having low vitality I think.


Hope u make these more!!! I ADORED IT♥♥♥


I'm stuck in the towel after bathing and have to go all the way back to the wardrobe to change. I love the art for our character by the way.


Thank you for the compliment. Meant a lot to me! I'll try to fix the towel thing in the next update :)


hey there's a bug when I tapped on a save and it asked if wanted to save over it I said I didn't want to save my progress it still saves over my saved game. P.S. I was imprisoned by Kuruth.


Thank you for reporting :) I'm afraid I can't fix this one with my current knowledge, but I'll see what I can do!

Hello there, not-really-real! I really liked the whole experience you’ve created, would you accept contributions, like artwork or writing?


Ooh, thank you! You don't have to word it like 'contributions', got me embarrassed (in a good way!)

But, yes! I'll be over the moon to see artworks or writings shared by peeps who enjoy my game ^^/

Oh, pardon my improper wording, for I didn’t mean the sharing of artistic works among the community (which is much lovable and of which I wholly approve ^^)

Rather, lending a helping hand in the process of creating the game e.g. drawing assets, proofreading, stuff like that ^>^


My bad! Currently, I'm a bit too shy for any of that. I doubt I'm competent enough to work with others haha, and I would rather work alone for the time being. 

But suggestions are always welcomed :3

(2 edits)

Gotcha! If I could ask for a favor, though — could you add in a way to report bugs in-game? It might be preferable to cluttering the comments with screenshots. Ty!

(Tuesday 2, Dawn)


That's a good idea! Sure, yes. I'll look into that. Thank you for reporting, too!

The game is nice but other than the start i have no idea how to get sex scenes

(2 edits) (+2)

Thank you for your kind words. There aren't many sex scenes yet as of the first release, but most of them come in forms of punishments ie. neglecting your duty as a serf (taken by Cerca), go gambling in Gealbhan during some of the evenings and lose, be stuck as a prisoner (taken by Kuruth), or get your Dignity low to unlock the ability to whore yourself at the park or at the soldier's camp.

Currently, dumbass Kuruth has the most lewd and sex scenes available, so if you fancy the big guy, try getting enslaved by him. And following up is the ex-childhood friend who as of now can be encountered only as a serf will occasionally try to molest you.

Hope this vagueness help! If you need more details, I'm here to provide :)

well i guess imma have to go gambling lol. my condition is maxed out and i basically did nothing but walk around. im kuruth's pet and he's doing nothing hehe

Gotta figure out how to lower my stats other than getting spooked in the woods, or stabbed by staying out too long at night

I did find some, by gambling and lowering my dignity!
still don't know how to get Kuruth to react, or how to gain access to the manor (might require a new save? idk)


Since this game is far from complete, he'll react much more in the future ;)

For now, please, try different routes, like, try not to please Kuruth too much in the intro. Choices make differences most during that.

Currently, the only way to enter the mansion is to be taken by Cerca :)

I am very much enjoying myself!

Happy to know so :)


there seems to be a bug when loading a save it resets your body customization

Fixed! I believe this come from the player saving during the customization passage. Anyway, thank you for addresssing the issue!

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm so glad I found this game! it's so fun and addictive! I love everything about it!<3<3<3


Looking forward to more storylines :D


Thank you so much for your kind words <3 

There is a bug when talking with Cla... It just blank


Fixed! Thank you for pointing that out. I appreciate you for reporting :D